The Inspectors
John Lyle, P.E.

- Licensed Professional Engineer (designated by P.E.) registered with the State of Kansas. A Licensed Professional Engineer has met the following requirements:
- (a) Graduation from a college or university program that is adequate in its preparation of students for the practice of engineering.
- (b) The satisfactory passage of such written examination in the fundamentals of engineering as utilized by the board.
- (c) Proof of four years of engineering experience of a character satisfactory to the board, as defined by rules and regulations of the board.
- (d) The satisfactory passage of such examination in professional practice as utilized by the board.
- (e) The continuing education, ethics, and all other requirements of the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions.
- Licensed Professional Engineers are the only individuals allowed to seal engineering building specifications and drawings.
- Often requested by real estate agents to inspect the homes for their relatives.
- Has provided plans and specifications for foundation and structural repair for local contractors. This includes attic structural reinforcement for clay and concrete roofs, restraint of foundations, foundation piering, beams, footings, columns, etcetera.
- Has provided consultation for experienced foundation contractors when unusual conditions are encountered.
- Has evaluated unusual construction conditions for Certified Building Officials and given recommendations.
- President's Award Winner 1996 for Exemplary Performance, Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant (one of the top 6 performing employees in a company with more than 1000 employees)
- Member of National Society of Professional Engineers
- Member of Kansas Society of Professional Engineers
- Project manager over many extensive older home renovations
- Designed and inspected many commercial buildings for the State of Kansas
- Extensive hands on experience in residential and light commercial construction. John has done everything from clean sewers and install roofs to completely lift, level, and renovate older homes. John can not only design, but he is capable of actually installing all of his designs.
- Served as an expert witness in 38 legal cases. Some examples of case issues evaluated are;
- Improperly built addition
- Stained concrete patio installation
- Roof issues
- Foundation and structural movement
- Basement flooding
- Fire damage
- Foundation and building damaged by adjacent construction
- Detrimental effects to building caused by a pool installation
- Improper construction of a large metal building
- Steam room construction
- Damage caused by a pipe break
- Poorly constructed new home
- Siding and roof improperly installed
- Attic condensation, causes and effects
- Improper drainage easement
- Deck construction
- City sewer line backup into residence
- Sewer line failure
- Foundation repair and resultant water intrusion
- Drainage from one commercial lot being diverted to another commercial lot
- Basement water intrusion
- Structural damage caused by termites
- Foundation damage caused by a ground source heat pump installation
- Improper window installation
- Building in a flood zone
- Building without a permit
- Deposed 7 times as an expert in legal cases
- Testified at 5 trials as an expert
- Additional Training
- Electrical:
- Surge Suppression
- Ground Fault Protection
- Electrical Inspector Training
- Electrical Code Changes
- Transformers
- Motor Generator Sets
- Electrical Inspections
- Older electrical system inspections
- Landfill gas power plant
- Building Design:
- ASHRAE Standard 90.1
- Energy Efficient Building Design
- International Building Codes
- International Building Codes and Blueprints
- Building Egress
- Building Cladding
- Foundation / Structure:
- Structural Framing Inspections
- Soils and Foundation Defects
- Truss Inspections
- Residential Structural Design
- Truss Design
- Concrete Masonry Unit Construction
- Concrete Staining
- Design Solutions with Engineered Wood
- Foundation Repair
- Structural Engineering Conference
- Kansas Emergency Management Damage Level Surveys
- Scholer Peterson Concrete Conference
- Masonry Conference
- HVAC/Mechanical/Ventilation:
- Ozonators
- Dehumidification
- Fume Hoods
- Furnace Heat Exchanger Examination
- Heating and Air Conditioning/Cooling Systems
- Fireplaces
- Boilers
- Lighting:
- Packaging Lighting Specifications
- Plumbing:
- Gerber Water Closets
- T-Drill
- Filtering Equipment
- Water Heaters & Faucets
- Polybutylene Piping
- Roofing:
- Roof Inspection
- Safety:
- Nuclear Fire Safety
- Confined Space Entry
- Fire Protection
- Fire Sprinklers
- Fire Prevention
- Radon Inspection
- Identifying Meth Labs & Users
- Ethics:
- Engineering Ethics
Julie Lyle, P.E.

- Licensed Professional Engineer (designated by P.E.) registered with the State of Kansas. A Licensed Professional Engineer has met the following requirements:
- (a) Graduation from a college or university program that is adequate in its preparation of students for the practice of engineering.
- (b) The satisfactory passage of such written examination in the fundamentals of engineering as utilized by the board.
- (c) Proof of four years of engineering experience of a character satisfactory to the board, as defined by rules and regulations of the board.
- (d) The satisfactory passage of such examination in professional practice as utilized by the board.
- (e) The continuing education, ethics, and all other requirements of the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
- Licensed Professional Engineers are the only individuals allowed to seal engineering building specifications and drawings.
- Often requested by real estate agents to inspect the homes for their relatives
- Has provided plans and specifications for foundation and structural repair for local contractors.
- Member of National Society of Professional Engineers
- Member of Kansas Society of Professional Engineers
- Member of NABIE - National Academy of Building Inspection Engineers (NABIE)
- In 2004, one of only two and the only active female NABIE member in the United States
- Kansas Certified Radon Measurement Technician
- Former Member of Illuminating Engineering Society (past Chapter president)
- Former Member of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers
- Designed and inspected various aspects of many commercial buildings for a Consulting Engineering firm. Some examples include:
- Seven Dolors Church Renovation
- Martin Tractor HVAC Evaluation & Improvements & Office Relighting
- Blue Valley High School Additions & Renovations
- Susanna Wesley Church
- Auburn/Washburn Middle School
- Imperial K-12 School
- National Guard OMS Addition & Renovation
- KSU Fire Alarm, Exit Signs & Emergency Lights
- Deines Cultural Center
- KU Jayhawk Room Renovation
- Golf Superintendents Headquarters
- Stormont Vail Building Blocks Child Care Center
- KSU Union Catskeller Renovation
- Santa Fe Trail Junior High School Addition & Renovation
- Olathe East High School
- SWB System Administration Training Room
- Neodesha High School Chemistry Lab Evaluation
- Chanute Hospital Addition
- KU Robinson Gymnasium Heat Recovery & VAV
- The Meadows Residential Care Facility
- Christian Science Church
- Stormont Vail Medical Gas Systems Upgrade
- Stormont Vail Lab Renovation
- Oread Administration building
- Research Hospital Radiation Oncology Renovation
- Geary County waste Transfer Station
- Overland Park Regional Medical Center Histology Renovation
- Good Samaritan Nursing Home
- Desoto Middle School
- Stormont Vail Information Systems Renovation/Expansion
- KPL Materials Test Center & Evaluation of Emergency Generator System
- Lawrence Diagnostic & Treatment Center
- Forbes Building 740 Lab Renovation
- Garfield Shelter House Renovation
- Treasures of the Czars
- KSU Galachia Hall HVAC
- TV 49 New Facility
- USPS Oxford Branch & St. Charles County New Facilities
- Stormont Vail "The Birthplace"
- PSU Maintenance Building & Greenhouse
- Stormont Vail CT Scan/Xray Power Modifications
- Hands on experience in many aspects of residential renovation
- Additional Training
- Electrical:
- Ground Fault Protection
- Electrical Code Changes
- Transformers
- Electrical Inspections
- Electrical protection seminar
- Older electrical system inspections
- NEC code update classes
- System and equipment grounding
- Selection/coordination of various types circuit breakers
- Applications for occupancy sensors
- Landfill gas power plant
- Building Design:
- ASHRAE Standards
- Energy Efficient Building Design
- International Building Codes
- Building Cladding
- Foundation / Structure:
- Structural Framing Inspections
- Foundation Repair
- Structural Foundation Concerns, Repair Techniques & Waterproofing Methods
- Truss Systems
- Structural Issues with Foundations
- Lumber Stress Grades & Design Properties
- Causes of Distress and Deterioration of Concrete
- Structural Engineering Conferences
- Kansas Emergency Management Damage Level Surveys
- Scholer Peterson Concrete Conference
- Masonry Conference
- HVAC/Mechanical/Ventilation:
- Heating and Air Conditioning/Cooling Systems
- Fireplaces
- Boilers
- Chimney Systems
- Air Conditioning Clinic
- Heat Pumps & Air Conditioners
- Furnace Defects
- Steam heating equipment and specialties
- Technical aspects of duct liner
- Air and water cooled chillers
- Heat Exchanger Fundamentals
- Visual Inspection of Gas Fireplaces
- Attic Ventilation
- Lighting:
- Lighting sources and applications
- Plumbing:
- Plumbing Inspections
- Gerber Water Closets
- History/Design of 1.6 gal toilets
- Lead Issues
- Plumbing Issues
- Water Heaters & Faucets
- Polybutylene Piping
- Roofing:
- Roof Inspections
- Radon:
- National Radon Regional Stakeholders Meeting
- Radon Measurement Proficiency Course Completion
- Eligibility for NEHA Certification - National Radon Proficiency Program
- Other:
- EIFS installation
- Safety:
- Fire Protection
- NFPA 72 Fire Alarm System Code Update
- Tornado Risks & Hazards: Structures & Buildings
- ADA General Site and Building Elements
- Ethics:
- Engineering Ethics